Concept Of Education
For a start, would you like to try and explain what you understand by the term "education"? Then read and try to reflect on the various meanings extracted from different sources.
Education can be defined teaching or training of people, especially in school. The education involves all interdependent of each other.
The term "education" originates from the Latin word, e-ducere which means "to lead out". According to the Dictionary of Education (1979). "Education is a comprehensive process to develops an individual's abilities and behaviour.It is also a social process which provides opportunities for the individual to acquire social skills for personal development. Furthermore, it is conducted in a selected and controlled institutionalized environment which we call school".
The above definition is similar with that of Dewey, an eminent western educationists. According to him, "Education is a process to elevate man's status.Shcool is seen as a special environment which is the same as the social environment."
Dr.Yusuf al-Qardawi(1980)
"Education encompasses our whole being - physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.Its purpose is to prepare man to face the world which is continually faced with the good and bad,sweetness and bitterness".
Prof.Hassan Langgulung(1987)
Education is a process of changing the cultural values of each individual.This change process takes place through the following way:(1) teaching-transfer of knowledge from one individual to another;(2) training - conditioning the self to do something in order to a quire the necessary skill;and (3) indoctrination -enabling the individual ti imitate other.These three processes take place simultaneously both in the primitive and modern society.
(Refer from book; Philosophy and Education In Malaysia by Choong Lean Kew, PhD.)
(Refer from book; Philosophy and Education In Malaysia by Choong Lean Kew, PhD.)
Refer from all those, we now know education very important for our life. With educated we would be respected and get highly of our community. So for easy understand, education mean the process of adopting something new in life.
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