
Friday, December 31, 2010



Preparation of teaching

Before beginning the process of teaching and learning of a teacher must plan in advance the teaching objectives to be achieved. Preparation of teaching should be given attention is the daily lesson plan. To write a daily lesson plan teachers should refer to the teaching schedule daily, weekly and annual. Each subject has a different way of content delivery by the teacher should have a variety of skills and effective communication. The main goal of teaching and learning process is to convey new knowledge to students. 

Therefore, teachers need to plan as possible in their daily lesson plans. Learning objectives achieved when teachers communicate informationproperly and effectively. With the help of a daily lesson plan, a teacher easier and supervised while educating students in the class. Benefits of daily lesson plans also help teachers convey the topic to be achieved in the process of teaching and learning quickly. In the daily lesson plan notes the important information need to be addressed including the date, time, class, topic, objectives, teaching methods, teaching and strengthening exercises. With the design of this teaching is to facilitate and assist all teachers before the start of the teaching and learning in the classroom. So the key before starting the class teachers to prepare lesson plans.



Safety tips from the police 

  • Always be aware of your surroundings.
  • Don't trust anyone or take rides from anyone you have just met, or friends-of-friends.
  • Don't make yourself an easy target. If you must go out at night, make sure you are with people you trust.
  • Always carry a personal alarm device to draw attention to yourself if you attacked.
  • Don't feel shy about getting a patrol car to escort you home if you are being followed. It could save your life.
  • Avoid drinking anything that you didn't prepare yourself or watch being prepared. Avoid drinks that have already been opened. 
  • Don't get into lift with someone who is acting suspicious. Stand in front of the control panel, to hit the emergency button if necessary.
  • if you don't have a choice but to fight back, you may use force against your assailant even if it injury.
  • Use anything you have to defend yourself. 
  • If attacked, take note of the attacker - clothes, facial marks, body shape, vehicle details (stickers, plate number, colour and vehicle model). 



Knowledge is the key tool for survival. With science we can discover the secrets of nature for the sake of completeness, and progress of our lives. Therefore, every person must seek knowledge and search for knowledge. Surely everyone should honor the knowledge and science that claimed to be beneficial to themselves and society. Anyperson prosecuted for trying to find the interest and happiness of society and ourselves with science.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Concept Of  Education 

For a start, would you like to try and explain what you understand by the term "education"? Then read and try to reflect on the various meanings extracted from different sources.

Education can be defined teaching or training of people, especially in school. The education involves all interdependent of each other.

The term "education" originates from the Latin word, e-ducere which means "to lead out". According to the Dictionary of Education (1979). "Education is a comprehensive process to develops an individual's abilities and behaviour.It is also a social process which provides opportunities for the individual to acquire social skills for personal development. Furthermore, it is conducted in a selected and controlled institutionalized environment which we call school".

The above definition is similar with that of Dewey, an eminent western educationists. According to him, "Education is a process to elevate man's status.Shcool is seen as a special environment which is the same as the social environment."

Dr.Yusuf al-Qardawi(1980)
"Education encompasses our whole being - physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.Its purpose is to prepare man to face the world which is continually faced with the good and bad,sweetness and bitterness".

Prof.Hassan Langgulung(1987)
Education is a process of changing the cultural values of each individual.This change process takes place through the following way:(1) teaching-transfer of knowledge from one individual to another;(2) training - conditioning the self to do something in order to a quire  the necessary skill;and (3) indoctrination -enabling the individual ti imitate other.These three processes take place simultaneously both in the primitive and modern society.
(Refer from book; Philosophy and Education In Malaysia by Choong Lean Kew, PhD.)      

Refer from all those, we now know education very important for our life. With educated we would be respected and get highly of our community. So for easy understand, education mean the process of adopting something new in life. 


What is life?

Life is like a BOOK that is in the making. We start with a dummy. All pages blank and clean. We fill the book sections, which are divided. We can turn back, look and remember but we cannot erase them. We know that there are 6 lotted pages, some faint and some strong. Each telling part of a story. We may read and re-read pages or chapter, which may bring teams or joys to us. But LIFE speeds on, almost sweeping us along its tide and we have little time to pause. Only as the age creeps, do we flick idly, wondering sadly and with more understanding, through the previous pages. At the and the book is closed. There may be a sequel...who knows? But the book is still making, let's tackle one page at a time...

p/s : The 'Book' may be exhibited. The success or the failure of that book depends on the content of the 'book' and its quality. Good luck!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Requirements of information in many situations when told only known or disclosed to an information. Information searches usually have a specific purpose such as to solve the problem. In addition, when the situation arises where the problem is an insufficient knowledge to achieve a goal, then the information is required. With that, people need information on the level of knowledge is not sufficient to deal with a problem or situation.

In addition, information is also needed by humans to make a final decision that will satisfy a person's heart. The information will provide an overview of information required by consumers to make choices. Users should be choosing the best of a good choice for the selected information to meet the motion. Next is the information needed for the future. The possibility of the information obtained will be a reference for those who need a long time, even information - information that is useful for future generations as an example of Malaysia's history.

Users get the information through a more structured search of six key skills such information. The information gathered will be compiled so that consumers can easily understand any information when it is carefully structured and organized according to priority.

Characteristics of outstanding students

Greetings all, how are you? Today I want to talk about how to become an excellent student. As students we are trying our best to achieve success. But how? Here I describe the steps and how students should follow. The first step we change the negative attitudes or perceptions. We must be confident with the action we did, then the result will give success. 

All the attitude of laziness, despair, do not believe should be removed far away from your mind. What you need to do is focus on what the purpose of a thing that you want to generate. for example you want to formulate the mathematical problem and you need to know the complete steps in advance and execute the calculations and see the results. These are the basic features that should be included in students who excel. The next step is to revise the right way. The correct method of revision is the first book to read and list the contents of important material that has been read earlier. The main ingredient that had memorized over and over again until we remember in the brain. Students who excel also use mind maps as they revise. The next step to be a successful student learning time is set correctly. Distribution of timely and regular basis to provide quality learning experience. Learn the right way is important. Hopefully these tips help you all. Knowledge is the foundation of life.


Today education has undergone many changes and progress. Through education they can have a variety of knowledge. Education can mean accepting a new process that involves the use of common sense to make the right decisions.

Education in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.

Teachers in educational institutions direct the education of students and might draw on sometimes called schooling when referring to the education of teaching only a certain subject, usually as professors at institutions of higher learning. There is also education in fields for those who want specific vocational skills, such as those required to be a pilot. In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, such as in museums and libraries, with the Internet and in life experience. Many non-traditional education options are now available and continue to evolve. 

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